Medical Emergency Mobile App

Litchi Computer Devices Markets Public Safety App for Hospital. Heal is a Medical Emergency Mobile Application that connects people to hospitals in case of an emergency. Features of this application will be as followed.

S.O.S. Button.

Push Notifications.

Video Calling.

Will operate on 3 Major platforms (Android, Windows and I.O.S.)

This application will also work on offline mode (No Internet Required).

Features of this application

SOS Button

In case of an emergency patient will press the help button on the application.

Once patient have press the help button his request will be send to the nearest hospital with Patient?s Name, Mobile Number and location.

Push Notification.

Hospitals can send Push Notifications to all the app users i.e. Health Tips.

Video Calling.

When patient presses S.O.S. button on the application a video calling feature will be activated on patient?s mobile phone which will be connected to Hospitals Control Center. https://www.tswatches.me/

Patient can interact with doctor through video calling.
Will operate on 3 Major platforms (Android, Windows and I.O.S.)

Best points of our App Can work without INTERNET